Donnerstag, 29. November 2007


here is the link to the movie we created about our model (1oo Mb) :

download movie


not yet built :)


Article about Nanogel, the world’s lightest solid material. It can be used to increase the thermal efficiency of glazing systems.

Research from the University of Michigan regarding deposition modeling being used to create small solid metal components.

New technologies to develop expansive curved glazing systems.

1 Kommentar:

Matias del Campo hat gesagt…

Thanks for posting your intermediate results..
So here is some tasks for the progress of your project. First I think that you fell in love with mappings waaaay to much. So in order to see the geometry you created clearly you will have to apply simple shaders. This makes it possible to judge the geometry of your folly in more detail. You had it allready more clearly here:

Other things I observed: You should apply the form of the fenestrations with only one strategy. In this course we are interested into the relationship of topological surfaces and possible architectural applications emerging from them. In this light should also be seen the task of creating a stair. The stairs geometry should be related to the allover geometry of the body. A reduced coloration should help in judging the spatial qualities of your project. See also the example you used from Zaha, she also applied one color to make the spatial qualities visible. Instead of concentrating to much on the shaders concentrate more on the issues of illumination and elegance of atmosphere.